Saturday, November 21, 2020

Interior Freedom

I have been reading a book Interior Freedom by Jacques Phillippe. It is the greatest book I have ever read to teach me how to detach - to really let go and let God. With the country so divided politically, culturally and families dividing as a consequence, it was impacting me and disturbing my own sense of peace. I hae learned how to be completely quiet when others around me engage in polotical discussions. Then I take these conversations to God and share them in our daily conversations. Today's Conversation: God, what is the best way to talk about differences that cause deep divisions within families? Well. Julett, I would think you have to establish rules for how to conduct a conversation about differences. As in debate rules. It has been effective in group discussions for a stick to be placed in middle of participants. First person picks up stick and speaks briefly on one point. Then returns the stick. Next person picks up stick and gives a brief response. Then replaces stick. And so on. No interruptions to any person. No one can speak except person with stick. Comments can have a time limit. And deliberate pauses between picking up of stick to give time to organize thoughts. Listen intently to one another, then organize your resoonse. Prayer to the Holy Spirit for guidance, peace and inspiration should start the conversation by a named arbiter. Arbiter picks up stick for time of silent meditation as needed. Comments should all be I statements. No you blaming statements. Thank you Lord for reminding me of this kind of peaceful conversation. You have given me an idea of how to move forward. Perhaps I could experiment and be an arbiter in family situations. I will pray about this and discern the possibilities - tyhe pros and cons about my role in. this.