Monday, March 14, 2011

Living in the Now

My practice during this lenten season is to live in the now. This is not an easy task. Someone makes a comment that stirs up memories of the past that I am not so proud of and I get caught back up in regrets for mistakes. So rather than dwell on stinkin thinkin - I am practicing going immediately to prayerful conversation with God to help me remain in the present. After all I can do nothing about the past - have already sought forgiveness if sin was involved, so why revisit that pain? Nor am I able to do anything about future events - anxiety about the future is not something that usually bestirs me, so that is easier to control. If I ask myself the question "what can I do today about whatever pops up into my brain, it helps me make positive statements in the here and now, rather than dwell on the past or the future. Centering prayer in times of anxiety is another way to stay in the now especially if I happen to be around people that "push my buttons."

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